Let’s be real…


It’s a legacy.

Every photo tells a story…

…and your story is worth telling!

But stories today are getting lost, because as a society, we’ve quit printing our photos. Here’s what I mean:

If my childhood or high school senior photos were digitized, they’d be on a floppy disk or a hard disk drive. (If you know what that is, high fives, we’re the same generation!)

If you don’t know, that’s because it’s a dead form of technology that no longer exists, which means if my photos were on those diskettes, we’d have no way to see them anymore.

My kids wouldn’t be able to see what I looked like in high school, and be able to make fun of my haircut. It’s a story they’d miss out on.

And it doesn’t stop there. What happened to diskettes has happened to CDs, and now USBs are next to go.

You see, technology is ever changing, and the way we preserve and store digital data is constantly changing and upgrading.

But the same isn’t true of print. We have printed photos that are over a hundred years old, because ink and paper never go out of style.

I don’t want you to lose your family’s memories to the digital black hole, so I’m on a mission to get images off of hard drives and into the safest hands – yours.

FAMILY Portraits

Kids don’t keep.

It’s been said that the days are long, but the years are short, and oh my friend, how true that is. Your kids will never be this age again, and now is the time to freeze these moments.

SENIOR Portraits

These are the times of your life.

You’ve worked so hard, and now it’s time to celebrate all you’ve accomplished. Let’s plan a session that really showcases your personality and what you love!

Maternity & Newborn Portraits

A love like no other…

From the growing belly to the ten tiny toes, I photograph it all. These are memories that you’ll want to hang on to!

The Artwork


Let’s make memories!


The Plan

We’ll meet at the studio to plan your customized portrait experience.
Coffee date, anyone?


The Session

This is the fun part! During my sessions, we’ll play games that will have you giggling so we can capture authentic emotion and connection..


The Reveal

It’s a fiesta! You’ll come to the studio and see your images for the first time in cinematic display, then we’ll create your keepsake art.